Personal website using Academicpages
This is a note about useful solutions to debug my personal website using academicpages
1. Overall structure
- Layout
- _layouts
- Navigation tabs
- _data\navigation
- Specific elements, such as how each single post shown up on the blog page, footer etc.
- Single post preview: _include\archive_single
2. How to minimize the top/bottom margin of the footer?
_sass\footer.scss change the margin_top under footer section
3. How to change the font size in code block?
_sass_base.scss change the margin_top under footer section
4. How to add a grid of buttons for categories/tags of posts?
- Under layouts, create separate layouts named “category”, “tag”, and “post”.
- Also under pages, create separte pages (md file, not html) named “category-archive”, “tag-archive”, “year-archive”.
- Locate _page.scss under _sass folder
5. How to change color of blog post title?
- Locate _archive.scss under _sass folder